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zonecfg (1)
2010-09-05 00:34:26


    zonecfg– set up zone configuration


    zonecfg -z zonename
    zonecfg -z zonename subcommand
    zonecfg -z zonename -f command_file
    zonecfg help


    The zonecfg utility creates and modifies the configuration of a zone. Zone configuration consists of a number of resources and properties.

    To simplify the user interface, zonecfg uses the concept of a scope. The default scope is global.

    The following synopsis of the zonecfg command is for interactive usage:

    zonecfg -z zonename subcommand

    Parameters changed through zonecfg do not affect a running zone. The zone must be rebooted for the changes to take effect.

    In addition to creating and modifying a zone, the zonecfg utility can also be used to persistently specify the resource management settings for the global zone.

    In the following text, “rctl” is used as an abbreviation for “resource control”. See resource_controls(5).

    Types of Non-Global Zones

      In the administration of zones, it is useful to distinguish between the global zone and non-global zones. Within non-global zones, there are two types of zone root file system models: sparse and whole root. The sparse root zone model optimizes the sharing of objects. The whole root zone model provides the maximum configurability.

      Sparse Root Zones

        Non-global zones that have inherit-pkg-dir resources (described under “Resources”, below) are called sparse root zones.

        The sparse root zone model optimizes the sharing of objects in the following ways:

        • Only a subset of the packages installed in the global zone are installed directly into the non-global zone.

        • Read-only loopback file systems, identified as inherit-pkg-dir resources, are used to gain access to other files.

        In this model, all packages appear to be installed in the non-global zone. Packages that do not deliver content into read-only loopback mount file systems are fully installed. There is no need to install content delivered into read-only loopback mounted file systems since that content is inherited (and visible) from the global zone.

        • As a general guideline, a zone requires about 100 megabytes of free disk space per zone when the global zone has been installed with all of the standard Solaris packages.

        • By default, any additional packages installed in the global zone also populate the non-global zones. The amount of disk space required might be increased accordingly, depending on whether the additional packages deliver files that reside in the inherit-pkg-dir resource space.

        An additional 40 megabytes of RAM per zone are suggested, but not required on a machine with sufficient swap space.

        A sparse zone inherits the following directories:


        Although zonecfg allows you to remove one of these as an inherited directory, you should not do so. You should either follow the whole-root model or the sparse model; a subset of the sparse model is not tested and you might encounter unexpected problems.

        Adding an additional inherit-pkg-dir directory, such as /opt, to a sparse root zone is acceptable.

      Whole Root Zones

        The whole root zone model provides the maximum configurability. All of the required and any selected optional Solaris packages are installed into the private file systems of the zone. The advantages of this model include the capability for global administrators to customize their zones file system layout. This would be done, for example, to add arbitrary unbundled or third-party packages.

        The disk requirements for this model are determined by the disk space used by the packages currently installed in the global zone.

        Note –

        If you create a sparse root zone that contains the following inherit-pkg-dir directories, you must remove these directories from the non-global zone's configuration before the zone is installed to have a whole root zone:

        • /lib

        • /platform

        • /sbin

        • /usr


      The following resource types are supported:


      Generic attribute.


      Limits for CPU usage.


      Limits for physical, swap, and locked memory.


      ZFS dataset.


      Subset of the system's processors dedicated to this zone while it is running.






      Directory inherited from the global zone. Software packages whose contents have been transferred into that directory are inherited in read-only mode by the non-global zone and the non-global zone's packaging database is updated to reflect those packages. Such resources are not modifiable or removable once a zone has been installed with zoneadm.


      Network interface.


      Resource control.


      Each resource type has one or more properties. There are also some global properties, that is, properties of the configuration as a whole, rather than of some particular resource.

      The following properties are supported:






























      dir, special, raw, type, options




      address, physical, defrouter




      name, value


      name, type, value




      ncpus, importance


      physical, swap, locked



      As for the property values which are paired with these names, they are either simple, complex, or lists. The type allowed is property-specific. Simple values are strings, optionally enclosed within quotation marks. Complex values have the syntax:


      where each <value> is simple, and the <name> strings are unique within a given property. Lists have the syntax:


      where each <value> is either simple or complex. A list of a single value (either simple or complex) is equivalent to specifying that value without the list syntax. That is, “foo” is equivalent to “[foo]”. A list can be empty (denoted by “[]”).

      In interpreting property values, zonecfg accepts regular expressions as specified in fnmatch(5). See EXAMPLES.

      The property types are described as follows:

      global: zonename

      The name of the zone.

      global: zonepath

      Path to zone's file system.

      global: autoboot

      Boolean indicating that a zone should be booted automatically at system boot. Note that if the zones service is disabled, the zone will not autoboot, regardless of the setting of this property. You enable the zones service with a svcadm command, such as:

      # svcadm enable svc:/system/zones:default

      Replace enable with disable to disable the zones service. See svcadm(1M).

      global: bootargs

      Arguments (options) to be passed to the zone bootup, unless options are supplied to the “zoneadm boot” command, in which case those take precedence. The valid arguments are described in zoneadm(1M).

      global: pool

      Name of the resource pool that this zone must be bound to when booted. This property is incompatible with the dedicated-cpu resource.

      global: limitpriv

      The maximum set of privileges any process in this zone can obtain. The property should consist of a comma-separated privilege set specification as described in priv_str_to_set(3C). Privileges can be excluded from the resulting set by preceding their names with a dash (-) or an exclamation point (!). The special privilege string “zone” is not supported in this context. If the special string “default” occurs as the first token in the property, it expands into a safe set of privileges that preserve the resource and security isolation described in zones(5). A missing or empty property is equivalent to this same set of safe privileges.

      The system administrator must take extreme care when configuring privileges for a zone. Some privileges cannot be excluded through this mechanism as they are required in order to boot a zone. In addition, there are certain privileges which cannot be given to a zone as doing so would allow processes inside a zone to unduly affect processes in other zones. zoneadm(1M) indicates when an invalid privilege has been added or removed from a zone's privilege set when an attempt is made to either “boot” or “ready” the zone.

      See privileges(5) for a description of privileges. The command “ppriv -l” (see ppriv(1)) produces a list of all Solaris privileges. You can specify privileges as they are displayed by ppriv. In privileges(5), privileges are listed in the form PRIV_privilege_name. For example, the privilege sys_time, as you would specify it in this property, is listed in privileges(5) as PRIV_SYS_TIME.

      global: brand

      The zone's brand type. A zone that is not assigned a brand is considered a “native” zone.

      global: ip-type

      A zone can either share the IP instance with the global zone, which is the default, or have its own exclusive instance of IP.

      This property takes the values shared and exclusive.

      fs: dir, special, raw, type, options

      Values needed to determine how, where, and so forth to mount file systems. See mount(1M), mount(2), fsck(1M), and vfstab(4).

      inherit-pkg-dir: dir

      The directory path.

      net: address, physical, defrouter

      The network address and physical interface name of the network interface. The network address is one of:

      • a valid IPv4 address, optionally followed by “/” and a prefix length;

      • a valid IPv6 address, which must be followed by “/” and a prefix length;

      • a host name which resolves to an IPv4 address.

      Note that host names that resolve to IPv6 addresses are not supported.

      The physical interface name is the network interface name.

      The default router is specified similarly to the network address except that it must not be followed by a / (slash) and a network prefix length.

      A zone can be configured to be either exclusive-IP or shared-IP. For a shared-IP zone, you must set both the physical and address properties; setting the default router is optional. The interface specified in the physical property must be plumbed in the global zone prior to booting the non-global zone. However, if the interface is not used by the global zone, it should be configured down in the global zone, and the default router for the interface should be specified here.

      For an exclusive-IP zone, the physical property must be set and the address and default router properties cannot be set.

      device: match

      Device name to match.

      rctl: name, value

      The name and priv/limit/action triple of a resource control. See prctl(1) and rctladm(1M). The preferred way to set rctl values is to use the global property name associated with a specific rctl.

      attr: name, type, value

      The name, type and value of a generic attribute. The type must be one of int, uint, boolean or string, and the value must be of that type. uint means unsigned , that is, a non-negative integer.

      dataset: name

      The name of a ZFS dataset to be accessed from within the zone. See zfs(1M).

      global: cpu-shares

      The number of Fair Share Scheduler (FSS) shares to allocate to this zone. This property is incompatible with the dedicated-cpu resource. This property is the preferred way to set the zone.cpu-shares rctl.

      global: max-lwps

      The maximum number of LWPs simultaneously available to this zone. This property is the preferred way to set the zone.max-lwps rctl.

      global: max-msg-ids

      The maximum number of message queue IDs allowed for this zone. This property is the preferred way to set the zone.max-msg-ids rctl.

      global: max-sem-ids

      The maximum number of semaphore IDs allowed for this zone. This property is the preferred way to set the zone.max-sem-ids rctl.

      global: max-shm-ids

      The maximum number of shared memory IDs allowed for this zone. This property is the preferred way to set the zone.max-shm-ids rctl.

      global: max-shm-memory

      The maximum amount of shared memory allowed for this zone. This property is the preferred way to set the zone.max-shm-memory rctl. A scale (K, M, G, T) can be applied to the value for this number (for example, 1M is one megabyte).

      global: scheduling-class

      Specifies the scheduling class used for processes running in a zone. When this property is not specified, the scheduling class is established as follows:

      • If the cpu-shares property or equivalent rctl is set, the scheduling class FSS is used.

      • If neither cpu-shares nor the equivalent rctl is set and the zone's pool property references a pool that has a default scheduling class, that class is used.

      • Under any other conditions, the system default scheduling class is used.

      dedicated-cpu: ncpus, importance

      The number of CPUs that should be assigned for this zone's exclusive use. The zone will create a pool and processor set when it boots. See pooladm(1M) and poolcfg(1M) for more information on resource pools. The ncpu property can specify a single value or a range (for example, 1-4) of processors. The importance property is optional; if set, it will specify the pset.importance value for use by poold(1M). If this resource is used, there must be enough free processors to allocate to this zone when it boots or the zone will not boot. The processors assigned to this zone will not be available for the use of the global zone or other zones. This resource is incompatible with both the pool and cpu-shares properties. Only a single instance of this resource can be added to the zone.

      capped-memory: physical, swap, locked

      The caps on the memory that can be used by this zone. A scale (K, M, G, T) can be applied to the value for each of these numbers (for example, 1M is one megabyte). Each of these properties is optional but at least one property must be set when adding this resource. Only a single instance of this resource can be added to the zone. The physical property sets the max-rss for this zone. This will be enforced by rcapd(1M) running in the global zone. The swap property is the preferred way to set the zone.max-swap rctl. The locked property is the preferred way to set the zone.max-locked-memory rctl.

      capped-cpu: ncpus

      Sets a limit on the amount of CPU time that can be used by a zone. The unit used translates to the percentage of a single CPU that can be used by all user threads in a zone, expressed as a fraction (for example, .75) or a mixed number (whole number and fraction, for example, 1.25). An ncpu value of 1 means 100% of a CPU, a value of 1.25 means 125%, .75 mean 75%, and so forth. When projects within a capped zone have their own caps, the minimum value takes precedence.

      The capped-cpu property is an alias for zone.cpu-cap resource control and is related to the zone.cpu-cap resource control. See resource_controls(5).

      The following table summarizes resources, property-names, and types:

      resource          property-name   type
      (global)          zonename        simple
      (global)          zonepath        simple
      (global)          autoboot        simple
      (global)          bootargs        simple
      (global)          pool            simple
      (global)          limitpriv       simple
      (global)          brand           simple
      (global)          ip-type         simple
      (global)          cpu-shares      simple
      (global)          max-lwps        simple
      (global)          max-msg-ids     simple
      (global)          max-sem-ids     simple
      (global)          max-shm-ids     simple
      (global)          max-shm-memory  simple
      (global)          scheduling-class simple
      fs                dir             simple
                         special         simple
                         raw             simple
                         type            simple
                         options         list of simple
      inherit-pkg-dir   dir             simple
      net               address         simple
                         physical        simple
      device            match           simple
      rctl              name            simple
                         value           list of complex
      attr              name            simple
                         type            simple
                         value           simple
      dataset           name            simple
      dedicated-cpu     ncpus           simple or range
                         importance      simple
      capped-memory     physical        simple with scale
                         swap            simple with scale
                         locked          simple with scale
      capped-cpu        ncpus           simple

      To further specify things, the breakdown of the complex property “value” of the “rctl” resource type, it consists of three name/value pairs, the names being “priv”, “limit” and “action”, each of which takes a simple value. The “name” property of an “attr” resource is syntactically restricted in a fashion similar but not identical to zone names: it must begin with an alphanumeric, and can contain alphanumerics plus the hyphen (-), underscore (_), and dot (.) characters. Attribute names beginning with “zone” are reserved for use by the system. Finally, the “autoboot” global property must have a value of “true“ or “false”.

    Using Kernel Statistics to Monitor CPU Caps

      Using the kernel statistics (kstat(3KSTAT)) module caps, the system maintains information for all capped projects and zones. You can access this information by reading kernel statistics (kstat(3KSTAT)), specifying caps as the kstat module name. The following command displays kernel statistics for all active CPU caps:

      # kstat caps::'/cpucaps/'

      A kstat(1M) command running in a zone displays only CPU caps relevant for that zone and for projects in that zone. See EXAMPLES.

      The following are cap-related arguments for use with kstat(1M):


      The kstat module.

      project_caps or zone_caps

      kstat class, for use with the kstat -c option.

      cpucaps_project_id or cpucaps_zone_id

      kstat name, for use with the kstat -n option. id is the project or zone identifier.

      The following fields are displayed in response to a kstat(1M) command requesting statistics for all CPU caps.


      In this usage of kstat, this field will have the value caps.


      As described above, cpucaps_project_id or cpucaps_zone_id


      Total time, in seconds, spent above the cap.


      Total time, in seconds, spent below the cap.


      Maximum observed CPU usage.


      Number of threads on cap wait queue.


      Current aggregated CPU usage for all threads belonging to a capped project or zone, in terms of a percentage of a single CPU.


      The cap value, in terms of a percentage of a single CPU.


      Name of the zone for which statistics are displayed.

      See EXAMPLES for sample output from a kstat command.


    The following options are supported:

    -f command_file

    Specify the name of zonecfg command file. command_file is a text file of zonecfg subcommands, one per line.

    -z zonename

    Specify the name of a zone. Zone names are case sensitive. Zone names must begin with an alphanumeric character and can contain alphanumeric characters, the underscore (_) the hyphen (-), and the dot (.). The name global and all names beginning with SUNW are reserved and cannot be used.


    You can use the add and select subcommands to select a specific resource, at which point the scope changes to that resource. The end and cancel subcommands are used to complete the resource specification, at which time the scope is reverted back to global. Certain subcommands, such as add, remove and set, have different semantics in each scope.

    Subcommands which can result in destructive actions or loss of work have an -F option to force the action. If input is from a terminal device, the user is prompted when appropriate if such a command is given without the -F option otherwise, if such a command is given without the -F option, the action is disallowed, with a diagnostic message written to standard error.

    The following subcommands are supported:

    add resource-type (global scope)
    add property-name property-value (resource scope)

    In the global scope, begin the specification for a given resource type. The scope is changed to that resource type.

    In the resource scope, add a property of the given name with the given value. The syntax for property values varies with different property types. In general, it is a simple value or a list of simple values enclosed in square brackets, separated by commas ([foo,bar,baz]). See PROPERTIES.


    End the resource specification and reset scope to global. Abandons any partially specified resources. cancel is only applicable in the resource scope.

    clear property-name

    Clear the value for the property.


    Commit the current configuration from memory to stable storage. The configuration must be committed to be used by zoneadm. Until the in-memory configuration is committed, you can remove changes with the revert subcommand. The commit operation is attempted automatically upon completion of a zonecfg session. Since a configuration must be correct to be committed, this operation automatically does a verify.

    create [-F] [ -a path |-b | -t template]

    Create an in-memory configuration for the specified zone. Use create to begin to configure a new zone. See commit for saving this to stable storage.

    If you are overwriting an existing configuration, specify the -F option to force the action. Specify the -t template option to create a configuration identical to template, where template is the name of a configured zone.

    Use the -a path option to facilitate configuring a detached zone on a new host. The path parameter is the zonepath location of a detached zone that has been moved on to this new host. Once the detached zone is configured, it should be installed using the “zoneadm attach” command (see zoneadm(1M)). All validation of the new zone happens during the attach process, not during zone configuration.

    Use the -b option to create a blank configuration. Without arguments, create applies the Sun default settings.

    delete [-F]

    Delete the specified configuration from memory and stable storage. This action is instantaneous, no commit is necessary. A deleted configuration cannot be reverted.

    Specify the -F option to force the action.


    End the resource specification. This subcommand is only applicable in the resource scope. zonecfg checks to make sure the current resource is completely specified. If so, it is added to the in-memory configuration (see commit for saving this to stable storage) and the scope reverts to global. If the specification is incomplete, it issues an appropriate error message.

    export [-f output-file]

    Print configuration to standard output. Use the -f option to print the configuration to output-file. This option produces output in a form suitable for use in a command file.

    help [usage] [subcommand] [syntax] [command-name]

    Print general help or help about given topic.

    info zonename | zonepath | autoboot | brand | pool | limitpriv
    info [resource-type [property-name=property-value]*]

    Display information about the current configuration. If resource-type is specified, displays only information about resources of the relevant type. If any property-name value pairs are specified, displays only information about resources meeting the given criteria. In the resource scope, any arguments are ignored, and info displays information about the resource which is currently being added or modified.

    remove resource-type{property-name=property-value}(global scope)

    In the global scope, removes the specified resource. The [] syntax means 0 or more of whatever is inside the square braces. If you want only to remove a single instance of the resource, you must specify enough property name-value pairs for the resource to be uniquely identified. If no property name-value pairs are specified, all instances will be removed. If there is more than one pair is specified, a confirmation is required, unless you use the -F option.

    select resource-type {property-name=property-value}

    Select the resource of the given type which matches the given property-name property-value pair criteria, for modification. This subcommand is applicable only in the global scope. The scope is changed to that resource type. The {} syntax means 1 or more of whatever is inside the curly braces. You must specify enough property -name property-value pairs for the resource to be uniquely identified.

    set property-name=property-value

    Set a given property name to the given value. Some properties (for example, zonename and zonepath) are global while others are resource-specific. This subcommand is applicable in both the global and resource scopes.


    Verify the current configuration for correctness:

    • All resources have all of their required properties specified.

    • A zonepath is specified.

    revert [-F]

    Revert the configuration back to the last committed state. The -F option can be used to force the action.

    exit [-F]

    Exit the zonecfg session. A commit is automatically attempted if needed. You can also use an EOF character to exit zonecfg. The -F option can be used to force the action.


    Example 1 Creating the Environment for a New Zone

    In the following example, zonecfg creates the environment for a new zone. /usr/local is loopback mounted from the global zone into /opt/local. /opt/sfw is loopback mounted from the global zone, three logical network interfaces are added, and a limit on the number of fair-share scheduler (FSS) CPU shares for a zone is set using the rctl resource type. The example also shows how to select a given resource for modification.

    example# zonecfg -z myzone3
    my-zone3: No such zone configured
    Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
    zonecfg:myzone3> create
    zonecfg:myzone3> set zonepath=/export/home/my-zone3
    zonecfg:myzone3> set autoboot=true
    zonecfg:myzone3> add fs
    zonecfg:myzone3:fs> set dir=/usr/local
    zonecfg:myzone3:fs> set special=/opt/local
    zonecfg:myzone3:fs> set type=lofs
    zonecfg:myzone3:fs> add options [ro,nodevices]
    zonecfg:myzone3:fs> end
    zonecfg:myzone3> add fs
    zonecfg:myzone3:fs> set dir=/mnt
    zonecfg:myzone3:fs> set special=/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7
    zonecfg:myzone3:fs> set raw=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7
    zonecfg:myzone3:fs> set type=ufs
    zonecfg:myzone3:fs> end
    zonecfg:myzone3> add inherit-pkg-dir
    zonecfg:myzone3:inherit-pkg-dir> set dir=/opt/sfw
    zonecfg:myzone3:inherit-pkg-dir> end
    zonecfg:myzone3> add net
    zonecfg:myzone3:net> set address=
    zonecfg:myzone3:net> set physical=eri0
    zonecfg:myzone3:net> end
    zonecfg:myzone3> add net
    zonecfg:myzone3:net> set address=
    zonecfg:myzone3:net> set physical=eri0
    zonecfg:myzone3:net> end
    zonecfg:myzone3> add net
    zonecfg:myzone3:net> set address=
    zonecfg:myzone3:net> set physical=eri0
    zonecfg:myzone3:net> end
    zonecfg:my-zone3> set cpu-shares=5
    zonecfg:my-zone3> add capped-memory
    zonecfg:my-zone3:capped-memory> set physical=50m
    zonecfg:my-zone3:capped-memory> set swap=100m
    zonecfg:my-zone3:capped-memory> end
    zonecfg:myzone3> exit

    Example 2 Creating a Non-Native Zone

    The following example creates a new Linux zone:

    example# zonecfg -z lxzone
    lxzone: No such zone configured
    Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone
    zonecfg:lxzone> create -t SUNWlx
    zonecfg:lxzone> set zonepath=/export/zones/lxzone
    zonecfg:lxzone> set autoboot=true
    zonecfg:lxzone> exit

    Example 3 Creating an Exclusive-IP Zone

    The following example creates a zone that is granted exclusive access to bge1 and bge33000 and that is isolated at the IP layer from the other zones configured on the system.

    The IP addresses and routing is configured inside the new zone using sysidtool(1M).

    example# zonecfg -z excl
    excl: No such zone configured
    Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone
    zonecfg:excl> create
    zonecfg:excl> set zonepath=/export/zones/excl
    zonecfg:excl> set ip-type=exclusive
    zonecfg:excl> add net
    zonecfg:excl:net> set physical=bge1
    zonecfg:excl:net> end
    zonecfg:excl> add net
    zonecfg:excl:net> set physical=bge33000
    zonecfg:excl:net> end
    zonecfg:excl> exit

    Example 4 Associating a Zone with a Resource Pool

    The following example shows how to associate an existing zone with an existing resource pool:

    example# zonecfg -z myzone
    zonecfg:myzone> set pool=mypool
    zonecfg:myzone> exit

    For more information about resource pools, see pooladm(1M) and poolcfg(1M).

    Example 5 Changing the Name of a Zone

    The following example shows how to change the name of an existing zone:

    example# zonecfg -z myzone
    zonecfg:myzone> set zonename=myzone2
    zonecfg:myzone2> exit

    Example 6 Changing the Privilege Set of a Zone

    The following example shows how to change the set of privileges an existing zone's processes will be limited to the next time the zone is booted. In this particular case, the privilege set will be the standard safe set of privileges a zone normally has along with the privilege to change the system date and time:

    example# zonecfg -z myzone
    zonecfg:myzone> set limitpriv="default,sys_time"
    zonecfg:myzone2> exit

    Example 7 Setting the zone.cpu-shares Property for the Global Zone

    The following command sets the zone.cpu-shares property for the global zone:

    example# zonecfg -z global
    zonecfg:global> set cpu-shares=5
    zonecfg:global> exit

    Example 8 Using Pattern Matching

    The following commands illustrate zonecfg support for pattern matching. In the zone flexlm, enter:

    zonecfg:flexlm> add device
    zonecfg:flexlm:device> set match="/dev/cua/a00[2-5]"
    zonecfg:flexlm:device> end

    In the global zone, enter:

    global# ls /dev/cua
    a     a000  a001  a002  a003  a004  a005  a006  a007  b

    In the zone flexlm, enter:

    flexlm# ls /dev/cua
    a002  a003  a004  a005

    Example 9 Setting a Cap for a Zone to Three CPUs

    The following sequence uses the zonecfg command to set the CPU cap for a zone to three CPUs.

    zonecfg:myzone> add capped-cpu
    zonecfg:myzone>capped-cpu> set ncpus=3
    zonecfg:myzone>capped-cpu>capped-cpu> end

    The preceding sequence, which uses the capped-cpu property, is equivalent to the following sequence, which makes use of the zone.cpu-cap resource control.

    zonecfg:myzone> add rctl
    zonecfg:myzone:rctl> set name=zone.cpu-cap
    zonecfg:myzone:rctl> add value (priv=privileged,limit=300,action=none)
    zonecfg:myzone:rctl> end

    Example 10 Using kstat to Monitor CPU Caps

    The following command displays information about all CPU caps.

    # kstat -n /cpucaps/
    module: caps                            instance: 0     
    name:   cpucaps_project_0               class:    project_caps
            above_sec                       0
            below_sec                       2157
            crtime                          821.048183159
            maxusage                        2
            nwait                           0
            snaptime                        235885.637253027
            usage                           0
            value                           18446743151372347932
            zonename                        global
    module: caps                            instance: 0     
    name:   cpucaps_project_1               class:    project_caps
            above_sec                       0
            below_sec                       0
            crtime                          225339.192787265
            maxusage                        5
            nwait                           0
            snaptime                        235885.637591677
            usage                           5
            value                           18446743151372347932
            zonename                        global
    module: caps                            instance: 0     
    name:   cpucaps_project_201             class:    project_caps
            above_sec                       0
            below_sec                       235105
            crtime                          780.37961782
            maxusage                        100
            nwait                           0
            snaptime                        235885.637789687
            usage                           43
            value                           100
            zonename                        global
    module: caps                            instance: 0     
    name:   cpucaps_project_202             class:    project_caps
            above_sec                       0
            below_sec                       235094
            crtime                          791.72983782
            maxusage                        100
            nwait                           0
            snaptime                        235885.637967512
            usage                           48
            value                           100
            zonename                        global
    module: caps                            instance: 0     
    name:   cpucaps_project_203             class:    project_caps
            above_sec                       0
            below_sec                       235034
            crtime                          852.104401481
            maxusage                        75
            nwait                           0
            snaptime                        235885.638144304
            usage                           47
            value                           100
            zonename                        global
    module: caps                            instance: 0     
    name:   cpucaps_project_86710           class:    project_caps
            above_sec                       22
            below_sec                       235166
            crtime                          698.441717859
            maxusage                        101
            nwait                           0
            snaptime                        235885.638319871
            usage                           54
            value                           100
            zonename                        global
    module: caps                            instance: 0     
    name:   cpucaps_zone_0                  class:    zone_caps
            above_sec                       100733
            below_sec                       134332
            crtime                          821.048177123
            maxusage                        207
            nwait                           2
            snaptime                        235885.638497731
            usage                           199
            value                           200
            zonename                        global
    module: caps                            instance: 1     
    name:   cpucaps_project_0               class:    project_caps
            above_sec                       0
            below_sec                       0
            crtime                          225360.256448422
            maxusage                        7
            nwait                           0
            snaptime                        235885.638714404
            usage                           7
            value                           18446743151372347932
            zonename                        test_001
    module: caps                            instance: 1     
    name:   cpucaps_zone_1                  class:    zone_caps
            above_sec                       2
            below_sec                       10524
            crtime                          225360.256440278
            maxusage                        106
            nwait                           0
            snaptime                        235885.638896443
            usage                           7
            value                           100
            zonename                        test_001

    Example 11 Displaying CPU Caps for a Specific Zone or Project

    Using the kstat -c and -i options, you can display CPU caps for a specific zone or project, as below. The first command produces a display for a specific project, the second for the same project within zone 1.

    # kstat -c project_caps
    # kstat -c project_caps -i 1

Exit Status

    The following exit values are returned:


    Successful completion.


    An error occurred.


    Invalid usage.


    See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:





    Interface Stability


See Also


    All character data used by zonecfg must be in US-ASCII encoding.